David Wiebe, Author at Ghost Blog Writers https://ghostblogwriters.com/author/daviddawcast-com/ Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:11:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://ghostblogwriters.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/gbw-hat.png David Wiebe, Author at Ghost Blog Writers https://ghostblogwriters.com/author/daviddawcast-com/ 32 32 15839598 Why Scapegoating Ruins Your Life & What to do About it https://ghostblogwriters.com/why-scapegoating-ruins-your-life-what-to-do-about-it/ Mon, 02 Oct 2023 15:00:44 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14932 Sometimes we’re unhappy with the way our leaders are handling a situation. Or maybe we don’t think people are participating the way they should. So, we blame others for what we see as lacking in them. We reprimand and deride them for not doing what we think they should be doing. But this is a ... Read more

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Why Scapegoating Ruins Your Life & What to do About it
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Sometimes we’re unhappy with the way our leaders are handling a situation. Or maybe we don’t think people are participating the way they should.

So, we blame others for what we see as lacking in them. We reprimand and deride them for not doing what we think they should be doing.

But this is a slippery slope, as it often leads to scapegoating. Here’s why scapegoating ruins your life, and what you can do about it.

Scapegoating Destroys Relationships

We can’t always trust our knee-jerk reactions, at least not in matters of business and negotiation.

When something goes wrong, there will always be the temptation to blame someone else for what happened, rather than taking ownership for the blunder.

In the short term, you might be able to come up with a convincing case as to why it was Joan’s or James’ fault, but in the long run, no one who knows your tendency to assign blame will want to work with you anymore. Plus, your lies will probably be found out at some point.

It’s much easier to gain a negative reputation than to build a positive one. Blaming others will destroy relationships and leave you with a reputation you won’t easily be able to downplay or repair.

Scapegoating Weakens Your Leadership

Avoiding responsibility is human nature. But for entrepreneurs and leaders, it’s simply not the way. Blaming others may make you feel better about a situation temporarily, but it will cause more chaos and confusion among your team than it’s worth.

Good leaders know to take responsibility for everything. They know that everything that happens, happens under their watch. If a team member or employee makes a mistake, the leader recognizes that something was missing in how the project was originally communicated.

A good leader isn’t someone who is constantly looking for something or someone outside of themselves to assign blame to. A good leader is someone who is willing to step up and take responsibility, no matter the mistake or its consequences.

Scapegoating Stifles Your Progress

If you value your personal growth, understand that scapegoating is lazy. Instead of looking at your own faults, or thinking about what you could have done differently to have things work, it has you focusing on the perceived deficiencies of others. How can you grow when you’re not focused on bettering yourself?

You may feel that exploiting the weaknesses of others will help you get ahead, and it might for a while. But if you keep it up, the only thing you will get better at is scapegoating. You won’t improve in other ways that might matter to you.

Stop Ruining Your Life – What to Do

If you’re ready to change, observe these steps:

  • Accept responsibility. Start taking ownership of more things. It doesn’t need to be anything huge. For instance, take responsibility for the fact that the garbage wasn’t taken out yesterday, whether it was your fault or not.
  • Take on some solo assignments. In a situation where you’re the only one working on the project, you can’t blame anyone else for failure (well, you can, but you’ll just look foolish).
  • Give up positional leadership. Just because you’re a manager, C-suite executive or even an entrepreneur doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a great leader. Let go of the title and instead commit to your growth in this area. Consume materials by the likes of John Maxwell and Robin Sharma.

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How You’re Creating Your Own World & How to Change it https://ghostblogwriters.com/how-youre-creating-your-own-world-how-to-change-it/ Mon, 18 Sep 2023 15:00:59 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14920 Sometimes, we have a hard time believing it. But it’s true. We are each creating our own worlds. And the most challenging part for most is accepting that no matter what we might be experiencing, we’ve had a hand in creating it. Rather than obsessing over what has happened, however, your energy would be better ... Read more

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How You're Creating Your Own World & How to Change it
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Sometimes, we have a hard time believing it. But it’s true. We are each creating our own worlds.

And the most challenging part for most is accepting that no matter what we might be experiencing, we’ve had a hand in creating it.

Rather than obsessing over what has happened, however, your energy would be better spent changing your course for the better. Here’s how.

Use Your Attention Wisely

Whatever you give your attention to expands.

Case in point:

Try very hard not to think of a pink elephant right now. What did you think of? A pink elephant, right? And now it’s growing in your awareness.

Whatever you’ve given your attention to has largely determined the course of your life to this point.

There are two keys to using your attention wisely. Adopt these habits to take the wheel:

  • Focus on desired outcomes. Many people say they are focusing on what they want when they are either focusing on what they don’t want or the absence of what they want. Your feelings will always tell you whether you’re really focusing on what you want, so trust your feelings.
  • Focus on new things. Very rarely do we put our attention on anything other than what is in front of us. It becomes a habit. No wonder our lives often appear monotonous and repetitive. Try putting your attention on the trees outside the window, your car’s steering wheel or the cat wandering the neighborhood. Practice putting your attention on things you wouldn’t normally set it on and do this often.

Embrace Seemingly “Negative” Events

I’ve observed that the most successful people tend to embrace every circumstance or event as positive.

And on my personal development journey, I eventually came to understand that all events are neutral. We’re the ones labeling them as either “positive” or “negative.”

So, we need to condition our habitual responses to “negative” events, as they may very well be bringing us in the direction of our desires.

I’ll say it another way – breakdowns are always opportunities for breakthroughs!

When something “bad” happens, say “This is good,” even if you don’t know how or why. Don’t let the event disrupt your joy, Zen, or calm. If you are focused on the right things, trust that you’re on the shortest path to getting what you want, and that some turbulence on the ride is inevitable.

Trust Your Imagination

Have you ever heard that the mind can’t tell the difference between reality and imagination? It’s true.

Many professional athletes are known to use visualization techniques along with regular practice to prepare for competitions. And those who do both are inevitably more effective than those who only do one or the other.

“But why does it seem like my visualizations never become reality?”

The answer is usually, “Because you’ve doubted your imagination.” If you do not doubt your imagination, it is reality.


There is no need to change reality by force. This tends to create more resistance, making it difficult to set yourself on a desired path. All that’s required is faith. So, once you’ve made your wish, go on your way. Get back to work. Live your life as normal. Because whatever you’ve asked for is already reality. There’s no need to try to control the process.

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3 Skills You’ll Gain by Living Nomadically https://ghostblogwriters.com/3-skills-youll-gain-by-living-nomadically/ Mon, 04 Sep 2023 15:00:16 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14867 Vangabonding isn’t exactly a new idea, as the author of The 4-Hour Workweek Tim Ferriss will openly admit. While there are new terms to describe the phenomenon, like “lifestyle design,” the idea of becoming an explorer and living a location-independent lifestyle is appealing to many. As I’ve discovered, though, living as a digital nomad isn’t ... Read more

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3 ]]><![CDATA[Skills You'll Gain by Living Nomadically
Photo by Ardy Alfred on Unsplash

Vangabonding isn’t exactly a new idea, as the author of The 4-Hour Workweek Tim Ferriss will openly admit. While there are new terms to describe the phenomenon, like “lifestyle design,” the idea of becoming an explorer and living a location-independent lifestyle is appealing to many.

As I’ve discovered, though, living as a digital nomad isn’t always a bed of roses. Your journeys will test you, and you will need to learn new skills for survival. Here are several skills you’ll gain by living nomadically.

Time Management

If you think you were good at time management before, as a digital nomad, you’ll need to become even better at it. From cross-country drives to long flights to new continents, travel is going to become a regular part of your routine, and you will need to make the most of it.

Most lifestyle designers have businesses or freelancing contracts they need to manage ongoingly. Some only need to tend to their operations for 20 to 30 hours per week, while many others work full-time or longer.

So, you will need to factor work into your journeys. But you should be thinking more granularly too – sightseeing, lunches, calls back to home, and more. Efficiency is key because your psychic energy will often be used up in travel.


And when I say “packing,” I really mean what to bring, what to leave behind, what to acquire along the way, and so on.

(Although guaranteed you will become much faster at packing too.)

It’s a little easier to plan for land-based travel, given that you can store bags in your trunk or in the back of your car. But here are a few things I’ve figured out along the way:

  • Clothing. Too much clothing can become a burden. But you need clothing for warmer and colder climates (or seasons as the case might be). Ideally, you want lightweight clothing that folds into small squares and is washable in a sink.
  • Laundry. There are coin laundry services in most cities. But you don’t want to travel with big, heavy jugs of laundry detergent or have to purchase detergent every time you go to do your laundry. Laundry strips are compact, easy to carry, and safe with most if not all machines.
  • Electronics. It’s good to have backups for everything – USB cables for your smartphone, replacement tips for your Apple Pencil, power cords for your laptop, and so on. You never know when you might need them.


Problem-solving is a bit of a lost art but guaranteed it will benefit lifestyle designers just as it does entrepreneurs.

The unexpected can happen on your travels. For instance, at one point, I had my bank card frozen due to malicious-looking activity. Even after getting the card replaced, I found myself unable to make online purchases (it was my primary means of booking Airbnb stays). So, I had to stay at a hotel (where I could make a payment in person) as I sorted out the glitches with my bank.

At times, you may need to stay in hostels, crash on a couch, sleep in the basement of a church, or even camp! Be ready to think outside the box.

Final Thoughts

You will be amazed by what you learn as a digital nomad, whether it’s basic survival skills, how to save money on flights, learning new languages, or otherwise. Be prepared to stretch yourself. You’re not doing it right if you aren’t being stretched!

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Is it Time to Step Away to Pursue a New Path? https://ghostblogwriters.com/is-it-time-to-step-away-to-pursue-a-new-path/ Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:00:33 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14649 From the time we were young the ideals of persistence and perseverance were reinforced as worthy ideals. Yet, there isn’t as much virtue in staying in unfavorable, miserable, or downright toxic situations as people seem to think there is. Fundamentally, we are all after a feeling we think we will get when we obtain something. ... Read more

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Is it Time to Step Away to Pursue a New Path?
Photo by Einar Storsul on Unsplash

From the time we were young the ideals of persistence and perseverance were reinforced as worthy ideals.

Yet, there isn’t as much virtue in staying in unfavorable, miserable, or downright toxic situations as people seem to think there is.

Fundamentally, we are all after a feeling we think we will get when we obtain something. And if we were to accept that as true, following one’s bliss truly is the only thing to prioritize in life.

So, is it time to step away to pursue a new path?

Are You Exhausted?

Push the body to its limits. Drink caffeine. Work 16-hour days. Give up social events. Sacrifice sleep. Anyone who plays the “sacrifice game” long enough will burn themselves out, and it will probably happen sooner than they think.

But the only type of work that truly exhausts you is the work you resist. If you are resisting something, you have one of two options:

  • You can change your context for the work and approach it from a fresh perspective (you’ll probably need to step away from it for a couple of weeks to be able to gain a new perspective).
  • You can choose something new that gives you energy and step away from what is stealing your energy.

Not everything is guaranteed to go right just because you’re doing something you love, but on balance, you will be resisting less, and as a result, you won’t be exhausted all the time either.

Are You Excited About Something Else?

Just because you’re flirting with the new and exciting doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right path for you. Simultaneously, excitement will always accompany the path best suited for you.

If you’ve been despising your current path for years while taking an interest in other passions or potential business ventures, then you have all the evidence you need already. The time to take a new path is now.

Your new idea will probably take everything you’ve got to execute, so you don’t have the luxury of being double-minded. You’ve got to take a leap of faith to fulfill your new vision.

Do You Have a Hunch?

Perhaps the most difficult aspect of stepping away to pursue a new path is that no one else can tell you when or when not to do it.

Your family and friends want the best for you. Or, it might be more accurate to say they want the safest path for you. So, if you were to ask them for advice, there’s a good chance they will tell you to stay the course and “hang in there” no matter how miserable you might be.

This has proven bad advice for countless budding entrepreneurs who’ve chosen the safer path instead of going with their gut.

The entrepreneurial journey is rarely easy, but it is almost always the more fulfilling.

If you have a hunch you’re supposed to be doing something else, you probably should be entertaining those thoughts. Circumstances may not appear to favor you now, but there is no such thing as perfect timing, and if not now, then when?

Closing Thoughts

Andrew Hitz of The Entrepreneurial Musician says he has yet to find a single example of people who followed their heart and stepped away from seemingly amazing careers to do something else and have ultimately regretted it. They’ve always come out on top.

It’s easier said than done, but there may come a time when you need to step away to pursue a new path. Be open to what shows up.

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The Lost Art of Problem-Solving https://ghostblogwriters.com/the-lost-art-of-problem-solving/ Mon, 07 Aug 2023 15:00:45 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14637 To assume that there is only one solution to any given problem is to question the very nature of reality. Yet, because many people are not trained in problem-solving, they can’t see a way where there are potentially dozens or even hundreds of solutions. Problem-solving is a lost art. But if you can master it, ... Read more

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Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

To assume that there is only one solution to any given problem is to question the very nature of reality. Yet, because many people are not trained in problem-solving, they can’t see a way where there are potentially dozens or even hundreds of solutions.

Problem-solving is a lost art. But if you can master it, it will improve your relationships, career, business, and life.

Why Do Problem-Solving Skills Even Matter?

No matter how good your strategy, execution, or team, you will encounter various challenges Google can’t solve for you. From cash flow problems to personal challenges that threaten to take you out of the game completely, the surprising and unexpected crop up at inopportune moments.

If you have good problem-solving skills, you will waste no time brainstorming with your team, coming up with dozens if not hundreds of solutions that could work. It sounds simple, and it is when you know what to do and how to do it. The problem is that many entrepreneurs are not taught how to do it, so they are cast into desperate situations where they feel there are no workable solutions.

But how do you build your problem-solving muscle? If you want to know, read on…

Train Yourself to Look for the Alternatives

Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam before? Of course, you have, right? Despite the slowdown, most people will stay on the same road and hope for things to get better instead of considering alternate routes.

Of course, there are situations where there are no workable alternatives. But there are also times when taking a bit of a detour, cutting through a parking lot (crude example), or even going back the way you came can end up saving you a lot of time.

If you train yourself to look for alternatives in every situation, you will begin to see that there are almost always unexpected or unconventional solutions to the problem you’re encountering.

Practical Examples of Problem-Solving

Having experienced many ups and downs in my business and financial life, I’ve had to problem-solve on countless occasions. Here are some practical examples:

  • I was frequently at business events where people left empty cans and bottles by their seats. I started collecting them so I could bring them to the bottle depot and put some funds back in my pocket for business expenses or tickets for major events.
  • I owned a car whose passenger side window went off track. I asked a mechanic how much it would cost to repair, and it was far too much for a 10-year-old car. I duct-taped the window shut and kept going. I did the same when two other windows did the same (of course, you’d want to watch out for authorities).
  • I once had an eBook to complete on a tight deadline. I wanted to cover several more sections before calling it “done,” but I compromised for minimum viable so I could move on to the next steps in my project.


While you don’t want to violate any laws or values you hold dear, problem-solving will mean looking at problems from different perspectives. So, stay open to possibilities and don’t discard any ideas at the brainstorming stage. Write everything down, and then prioritize your list (e.g., “We’ll try these three ideas before we try anything else.”). In time, you will get so good at finding alternatives that you will do it on autopilot.

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Why You’ll Have Breakthroughs in Business in Your 40s https://ghostblogwriters.com/why-youll-have-breakthroughs-in-business-in-your-40s/ Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:00:55 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14625 As motivational writer and coach, Dr. David J. Schwartz showed in his seminal work, The Magic of Thinking Big, many people reach 40 only to feel as though their best years are gone and think they have limited productive years ahead of them. But the truth of the matter is that you’re far more likely ... Read more

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Why You'll Have Breakthroughs in Business in Your 40s
Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash

As motivational writer and coach, Dr. David J. Schwartz showed in his seminal work, The Magic of Thinking Big, many people reach 40 only to feel as though their best years are gone and think they have limited productive years ahead of them.

But the truth of the matter is that you’re far more likely to experience breakthroughs in business in your 40s than in your 20s or 30s. Here’s why.

You’re Ready for Change

If everything went swimmingly in your 30s, you might not be thinking about making any drastic changes to your life.

But most of us will have had frustrations, disappointments, and of course, failures in our 30s. This doesn’t mean we should ignore our successes. But there’s a good chance we won’t have accomplished everything we’ve set out to. And because of that, we’ll be more ready for change.

There may be things that:

  • You knew to do but didn’t do (like making a business plan)
  • You thought you wouldn’t need to do (because you’re smarter than that)
  • You understand at a deeper level now than before (more on this later)

And if so, you’ll be far more likely to adopt the disciplines that will move your career or business forward in your 40s than in your 30s. You’ll be more teachable, and more willing to change.

You’ll Have Built the Foundations Necessary for Success

No matter what you’ve been up to in your career or business, and no matter how disconnected it may seem from what you’re planning for the future, by the time you’re 40, you’ve set many of the foundations in place to set yourself up for success in the next decade.

Consider the following:

  • You’ve had the opportunity to observe. You’ve watched your partners, collaborators, managers, and/or bosses and you’ve seen how they run their end of the business. This has taught you most of what you need to know about running your business.
  • You’ve built your network. Sure, you might not be as connected with your friends as you were in your 20s. But on the balance, your network has only expanded. It hasn’t shrunk! And now you know who you can call when you need help or advice.
  • You’ve failed. A “head in the sand” approach to failure doesn’t work. It’s better to have experienced it and to have learned from it than to have coasted through life never trying. You’ll be better equipped to handle failure and bounce back from it faster.

You’ll Understand Everything at a Deeper Level

Most people are worried about cognitive decline as they reach mid age, but experience only makes you smarter, especially in the domain of business.

(And hopefully, you’re a long way off from experiencing cognitive decline in any significant way.)

What may have struck you as insignificant, unimportant, or harder to understand in your 30s will come into sharper focus in your 40s. Many of your “why” questions will be answered. The books you read, the training you went through, and the coaching you received will all make more sense and seem to have more depth to it now that you’re more experienced.

Concluding Thoughts

Even Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon Hill believed that 40 was the best time to get into business, and these thoughts are echoed by modern personal development gurus like Vishen Lakhiani too.

This isn’t to say that you should wait until your 40s for good things to happen. But you can’t control the timing of everything, and many entrepreneurs end up having their greatest successes in their 40s.

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What is the Lesson? Tuning into Life & What it’s Trying to Show You https://ghostblogwriters.com/what-is-the-lesson-tuning-into-life-what-its-trying-to-show-you/ Mon, 10 Jul 2023 15:00:21 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14612 When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, and life always tries to show us something. Some people don’t realize it, some try to ignore it, some grapple and wrestle with it, and some embrace the lessons life presents. But no matter which category you fall into, you can’t escape life’s lessons. Here’s why ... Read more

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What is the Lesson? Tuning into Life & What it's Trying to Show You
Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, and life always tries to show us something.

Some people don’t realize it, some try to ignore it, some grapple and wrestle with it, and some embrace the lessons life presents. But no matter which category you fall into, you can’t escape life’s lessons.

Here’s why tuning into life and its lessons is crucial to your development.

Why Identify the Lesson?

Until we know what life is trying to show us, there’s nothing we can do in response to change or better our circumstances.

We’ve all experienced pain, whether physical, emotional, or psychological. And most would agree that no matter the category, prolonged pain is the most uncomfortable and undesirable.

The longer we stay in a lesson, the more pain we can expect to experience. Pain is relative, sure, but the unwillingness to face the truth for long periods can mean sacrificing joy in the immediate and having to face the fear repeatedly long-term.

When Problems Grow into Monsters

“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill” is an idiom that reportedly stems from the 16th century. The modern equivalent is – “Don’t cry over spilled milk.”

Here’s the problem with challenges we refuse to face – they always have a way of cropping up again, at the least opportune moment. By that time, a “molehill” issue can sometimes appear as an insurmountable “mountain.”

Whether it’s talking to the opposite sex, asking for what you need in a relationship, public speaking, making sales presentations, or anything else you might be making a mountain out of – if you don’t face the lesson early, it can grow into a metaphorical monster you don’t feel you can overcome.

What is Life Trying to Show You Now?

For entrepreneurs and ambitious types, nothing is worse than the feeling of being stuck. After all, we believe ourselves to be smarter than that, able to problem-solve any setbacks and overcome any circumstances life throws our way.

But sometimes we can’t progress beyond where we are without dealing with the lesson in front of us. And, of course, we can’t deal with the lesson in front of us without knowing what it is we’re supposed to be learning.

Our progress can grind to a halt and at times it may even seem as though our projects or businesses are shrinking when they should be growing. We can easily end up in a frustrating downward spiral, especially if we try to solve the problem with blunt force.

This is why business is the ultimate personal development tool. We need to be willing to face whatever is there to get to the next level. And whatever is there can appear very scary, especially if we’ve left it to fester for a while.

Concluding Thoughts

If you want to know what lesson you’re supposed to be learning now…

Stop. Become present. Ask the Universe for assistance. Notice what’s showing up in your world. Identify themes and commonalities. Be willing to face the uncomfortable. Write down what comes to you and journal about it. Don’t try to rush the process.

What is it you’re not owning up to, and what can you do about it? The expansion of your world hinges on your willingness to face lessons head-on. Become the kind of person that can dance with the monster.

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The Power of Surrender in Relationships, Life & Business https://ghostblogwriters.com/the-power-of-surrender-in-relationships-life-business/ Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:00:26 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14602 We all have things we’re looking to accomplish in life. But it’s altogether too easy to place added importance on these things. It seems like a normal thing to do. But when we add too much importance to outcomes, we end up obsessing over the smallest of details – be it the rise and fall ... Read more

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The P]]><![CDATA[ower of Surrender in Relationships, Life & Business
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

We all have things we’re looking to accomplish in life. But it’s altogether too easy to place added importance on these things.

It seems like a normal thing to do. But when we add too much importance to outcomes, we end up obsessing over the smallest of details – be it the rise and fall of traffic to our websites, a text that wasn’t responded to, or a conversation that wasn’t as inspiring as the last.

When the outcome of every action takes on too much importance, it’s almost as though we restrict the flow of support and assistance that can naturally and easily come into our lives.

One must learn to surrender.

The More Important It Seems, the Greater the Need for Surrender

It is quite natural that you attach importance to things that matter to you – your business, your investments, your relationships, and so on.

Even though outcomes aren’t guaranteed in these categories, it’s easy to assign importance to them:

“I need this investment to pay off. If it doesn’t, I could go broke.”

“I want this relationship to work out because I’m tired of having my heart broken.”

It’s very natural to think this way. The challenge is that the harder you try to hold on to outcomes, the less they will seem to come together how you want them to. Without thinking, you will act in a manipulative, controlling, desperate way that pushes others away and hinders progress.

The more important it seems, the greater there is a need to surrender.

How to Reduce Importance & Practice Surrender

Surrendering begins with noticing when your communication is coming from a place of fixing or surviving. When you’re trying to fix or survive a situation, you will inevitably be stuck in a cycle of:

  • Forcing and controlling outcomes
  • Convincing and commanding others

And rarely if ever do these cycles lead to meaningful progress.

Notice when the above is happening and stop. Then, choose different words or different actions. Some ways of communicating don’t involve controlling, convincing, or commanding. For example, you can paint a vision of what’s possible, thereby inspiring others in the process.

Also, consider your hobbies or what you like to do in your spare time. Chances are there are areas of your life that are thriving naturally, without your constant, desperate attention. Learn from that. See if you can take the same attitude toward areas of your life that matter most to you.

Enjoy the Benefits of Surrender

When you surrender outcomes, you will feel freer. You will learn to be satisfied with your best effort versus comparing yourself to others. Surrender will also make room for divine assistance to move on your behalf. You do your best; the Universe does its best.

Surrender leaves room for others to contribute to you. It gives them a chance to bring opportunities to the table. Everything seems to work better when you’re in surrender.


Surrendering works because it reduces the importance you’ve placed on certain outcomes. It has you showing up differently in everything you’re doing. It allows you to be more present to the opportunities around you and leaves space for others to contribute to you.

It may seem like placing more importance on outcomes would make them happen sooner and faster, but that’s just some version of forcing and controlling, and it doesn’t work. Detach yourself from outcomes. That’s true surrender.

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How to Escape Sunk Cost Fallacy in Entrepreneurship https://ghostblogwriters.com/how-to-escape-sunk-cost-fallacy-in-entrepreneurship/ Mon, 12 Jun 2023 15:00:30 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14590 You’re one of the hardest-working entrepreneurs around. You spend all your spare time investing in your growth. Not a day goes by without you taking action toward your ultimate success. But you don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Years continue to pass, but you don’t feel like you’ve got anything to show for it. All ... Read more

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How to Escape Sunk Cost Fallacy in Entrepreneurship
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

You’re one of the hardest-working entrepreneurs around. You spend all your spare time investing in your growth. Not a day goes by without you taking action toward your ultimate success.

But you don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Years continue to pass, but you don’t feel like you’ve got anything to show for it. All the while, your peers are making steady strides toward their goals.

It could be that you’re a victim of sunk cost fallacy.

What is Sunk Cost Fallacy?

Sunk cost fallacy is the idea that it’s better to stay in than to get out, no matter how badly your current business endeavors are going.

No one likes to be a loser. And most of us have been taught to keep going. Persevere. Fight through hard times.

But there are times when your efforts will be in vain no matter how many pivots you execute, how you change your pricing strategy, or how you adapt to current market conditions.

So, just because you’ve invested your time and resources into a business for years or decades doesn’t mean you are guaranteed success or even moving in the right direction.

Let’s look at how you can avoid sunk cost fallacy.

Take Pre-Orders

Don’t make anything before selling it first. And if your first thought is that you can’t sell something that doesn’t exist yet, consider that a) you haven’t done enough audience research, and b) you need to brush up on your copywriting skills.

Whether it’s a home study course, teleseminar, or even a new back pain cure, you can test your offer with the market without investing heavily in its development (sell it!).

Focusing on your sales process will ensure you can generate business more consistently and predictably. It takes many entrepreneurs a long time to discover that the sales process is far more valuable than the product.

Develop your sales skills first and foremost. If you can’t sell your product, it doesn’t matter how good it is.

Iterate Quickly

Sticktoitiveness is important, but hanging onto initiatives for too long without seeing any results is sure to wear on you, your confidence, your team, and your business over time.

Whether it’s publishing content, going live on social media, or testing ad copy, you’ve got to be quick to pull the plug on initiatives that don’t work.

For better or for worse, most entrepreneurs end up trying a lot of things that don’t work before nailing the formula. You’ve got to know when to persevere, but knowing when to move on is more critical.

Remain agile and iterate quickly. You can test multiple initiatives simultaneously, but you’ve got to track them.

Final Thoughts

Don’t forget that even if you lose money in a venture, there’s always something you can take with you – the knowledge, skills, and experience you’ve gained along the way. You can apply all you’ve learned to new businesses, and your ability to engineer success should improve with each attempt.

Don’t get caught up in the sunk cost fallacy cycle. You could struggle for years or even decades without getting anywhere in your entrepreneurial pursuits.

The post How to Escape Sunk Cost Fallacy in Entrepreneurship appeared first on Ghost Blog Writers.

Why Content Calendars Are More Crucial Than Ever https://ghostblogwriters.com/why-content-calendars-are-more-crucial-than-ever/ Mon, 29 May 2023 15:00:08 +0000 https://ghostblogwriters.com/?p=14579 New marketers are usually quick to run to the latest trending tactics to gain attention for their products and services. Experienced marketers, on the other hand, know the value of creating and sticking to a plan. And while there’s nothing particularly exciting about content calendars, it’s the very essence of strategy. And smart marketers know ... Read more

The post Why Content Calendars Are More Crucial Than Ever appeared first on Ghost Blog Writers.

Why Content Calendars Are More Crucial Than Ever
Photo by Walls.io on Unsplash

New marketers are usually quick to run to the latest trending tactics to gain attention for their products and services. Experienced marketers, on the other hand, know the value of creating and sticking to a plan.

And while there’s nothing particularly exciting about content calendars, it’s the very essence of strategy. And smart marketers know they must plant their flag on the mount of strategy rather than ephemeral tactics if they desire long-term success.

Here’s why content calendars are more crucial than ever.

Lack of Strategy is the Enemy of Success

Blogging and content marketing have never been more competitive. Most savvy marketers today know all the best tricks, be it the Skyscraper Technique, content upgrades, the latest in backlink building, or otherwise.

If you are not clear on what you’re publishing and when, as well as what keywords you’re targeting and what the competitive landscape is, you will have a tough time ranking for any terms, let alone driving traffic to your website and converting visitors into leads.

Not all content needs a keyword focus, but all content needs a purpose. Mapping out your content plan three months out gives you and your audience a clear picture of what’s to come. It also gives you opportunities to course adjust long before you’re under the gun to produce a long-form blog post on a tight deadline.

Content Calendars Give You a Competitive Advantage

Sure, the best publications already have a content calendar and a good idea of what they will be publishing when, as well as why. But it’s fair to say that most run-of-the-mill bloggers, and even small- to medium-sized businesses, don’t have that kind of foresight let alone acumen to know why content calendars matter so much.

Setting up your content calendar will give you a distinct competitive advantage, especially if you plan your content around themes. One month is generally a good amount of time to cover a topic and generate excitement for.

Further, most of your target audience won’t see all your posts, so by sticking to a specific topic for longer, you have a better chance of reaching a wider audience with your content. This is critical, especially when sharing key messages with your audience.

The Hard Way is the Easy Way

Shooting from the hip and making stuff up as you go may seem like the fun, creative way to remain agile and innovative, especially in creating content.

But unless your company is represented by an attractive character, like Neil Patel, Brian Dean, or Russell Brunson, there’s a good chance talking about anything you want to talk about at the moment won’t get you anywhere in producing measurable ROI. Plus, you’ll probably end up staring at a blank canvas more often than you might expect.

The hard way is the easy way. When there is a plan in place, less time is devoted to thinking about “the what,” and more time and energy can be dedicated to “the why” and to producing a better-finished product.

Final Thoughts

What works for one won’t always work for another, but a content calendar is something every ambitious blogger or company should have. It guides the strategic direction of the content being produced so that better outcomes can be produced short term and long term.

The post Why Content Calendars Are More Crucial Than Ever appeared first on Ghost Blog Writers.
